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All the things that have prevented you from having to go out on a laser cut, is a thing of the past. Trust an industry leader in value and have a partner who will always be there for you when the time comes.
You are uncompromising when it comes to quality products. And so are we. It is, therefore, the best value, Switzerland is good enough for the support of our state-of-art laserskärningsteknik with expertise and innovation.

D-SOAR-seriens fiberlaserskärmaskin, utvecklad i samarbete mellan DNE Laser och det schweiziska moderbolaget Bystronic AG:s tekniska team, är ett exempel på avancerad teknik och solid kompetens. Konstruktionen bygger på stabila bearbetningsmaskiner, högkvalitativa komponenter och intelligenta program som ger hög skärprecision, snabb hantering och enkel drift vid tunnplåtsbearbetning.

D-SOAR Plus G är en avancerad fiberlaserskärmaskin som är designad i samarbete mellan DNE Laser och det tekniska expertteamet hos schweiziska Bystronic Laser Group.

The D-GIANT model is available from a table format of 3 x 12 m up to 5 x 40 m. The machine can be equipped with up to 60 kW of laser power and is also available with an optional bevel cutting head.

D-Trans is an automatic loading and unloading system for laser cutting machines. Its standard configuration includes a frame with guide rail, an integrated control cabinet, and a combined suction cup and double fork unit.

The C-Bend series CNC press brake, developed by DNE, is intended for highly precise bending of thin sheet metal. This advanced machine combines leading bending technology with the extensive expertise of the Bystronic Group. The C-Bend series is designed to improve bending efficiency and precision.

D-Tube tube laser cutting machine is specifically designed for cutting various types of tubes and profiled bars. The machine uses the latest, proprietary bus-based CNC laser system to control the tube support device and chuck. This machine can handle a variety of shapes and is both highly automated and cost-effective.

Upplev framtidens svetsning med DNE:s handhållna fiberlasersvetsmaskiner. Dessa erbjuder en lätt, kompakt och mycket flexibel lösning. Svetsmaskinerna är designade för enkel användning och fungerar för olika material som rostfritt stål, kolstål, aluminium, galvaniserat stål och koppar.